
SCD Distributes HUDY Special Products

Hudy tyre truer.jpg (17798 bytes)

Superior tyre trimming machine

Model with Switch - please enquire for latest price.

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Comm. Truing Lathes - Features: Diamond cutting tool and hard steel shaft supports.

Various models available but this is the only one suitable for slot racing, please enquire for latest price.


Spare Drive Belts  -  £2.50 set
Left  -  For Hudy Tyre Truer
Right  -  For Hudy Commutator Truing Lathe
Sets also available for JK and Ilpe Tyre Truers
Replacement Ballbearings for Hudy machines
Class 5  -  £4.00 each
SCD Comm Truing Tool for Capped Comms  -  £39.50
Special Brazed On Tungsten Carbide Tipped Tool

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Diamond cutting tool sold separately. Also suits JK comm lathe. - £70.00

Comm Truing Tools - Tip Comparison
Viewed from above.
Bottom - Hudy Diamond Tool
Top - SCD Tungsten Carbide Tool


Hudy Axial Adjustable Support  -  £68.00
Fits in place of the right hand Fixed Vee Support
Providing adjustment for different armature lengths without undoing bolt underneath.

Hexagon Wrench with guide nut socket 9mm - £8.00

Hexagon Wrench with guide nut socket 3/8" -  £8.00

not illustrated

.050" tip 3/32" shank  -  £3.00

.050" tip 2mm shank  -  £2.50

 .035" tip 2mm shank  -  2.50


Spare abrasive drum - £19.00

Diamond drum

Part exchange with old drum - £29.50

New drum - £50.00

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Need a 'Knob Job' ? £29.50
(Specially imported for your pleasure).

Super Upgrade for HUDY TYRE TRUER. Predictable and Repeatable tyre diameters. Handles all diameters up to .875" Just carefully install the replacement parts and you have a very effective upgrade giving you the certainty of accurate repeatable tyre diameters.

Spare Motors for Ilpe, Hudy etc Tyre Grinding Machines
Left  -  12volt DC 42mm x 28mm dia.   3/32" (2.3mm) shaft (12,600 rpm)  -  £6.40
Right  -  12volt DC 55mm x 36mm dia.   1/8" (3.2mm) shaft (15,800 rpm)  -  £8.80

Ground shafts for Hudy Tyre Truer
For the new 2mm diameter axle tyres
3mm ground down to 2mm diameter -  £7.00
Complete with collar  -  £8.25

Ground shafts for Hudy Tyre Truer
For Ninco 2.5mm Axle Tyres
3mm ground to 2.5mm diameter  -  £7.00
Complete with collar  -  £8.25